
Proficienic - ID

Proficienc id app was designed base on helping graphic design students get prepared before they go out into the industry. The app provides key components like resume check, portfolio check, interview information, and a networking connection service.


Resume Service

The resume Service prepares the user to understand and match. Understand what a bad resume looks like and what a good resume looks like. Users will also if the user has a resume they will have the ability to submit their resume and match it if it looks good or not.


Portfolio Service

The Portfolio Service is similar to the resume service. It helps the user to compare and contrast their portfolio, to see if they are missing anything or if there are some corrections they must do if their portfolio isn’t good. They also have the option to submit their portfolio if they have one so our system can change for them or they can match their portfolio with the good one.


Interview Service

The Interview Service provides a series of questions that help you think about what you should consider before going into an interview. if your not sure how to answer these question the automatic service will help answer them for you.


Connection Service

The Connection service provides a way for you to connect with people in the industry and ask them to ask about insights into the industry and what to look forward to. Also, it gives you an opportunity to network and relate with people that been in the same situation that you have been in, so they could guide you in the right direction.


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